We are a fun, friendly, family oriented club dedicated to helping you and your dog achieve your goals and realise your potential. Whether you’re wanting to learn the basics, after the challenge of advanced obedience and agility, or the high energy and excitement of flyball are more your style, we have it all and more.
Puppy preschool provides the perfect opportunity for puppies aged 8 – 12 weeks to socialise and learn with other vaccinated puppies in a safe and friendly environment. Socialising your puppy early will go a long way to ensuring your pup grows into a happy, confident and well adjusted dog.
Your dogs age and current level of obedience will assist us in determining the right level of class for you. We also take into consideration your skills as a handler. On the first day of training the Obedience Coordinator will assess how you and your dog work as a team and assign you both to the class that best suits your needs.
PUPPY TALES Club Newsletter can be downloaded puppy-tales
The Club is looking to develop a demonstration team to showcase the type of training that this Club offers. Training is open to Class 4 dogs and handlers as well as Instructors. Training will take place on the 1st Sunday of each month at 9 am.
9.30am – Puppies, Classes 1,3 and 4
10.30am – Puppy+ and Class 2
Keep a watch on this page and our facebook page for uptodate information about training ground changes or cancellations due to ground or weather conditions.
PASS UPS last Sunday of every month
HEAT POLICY for all training disciplines. If the predicted temperature is greater than 35 degrees the heat policy kicks in and training may be cancelled. If this happens we will attempt to hold classes on one night during the week. Keep an eye out on this website and on our Facebook page for further details if the heat policy is invoked.
During the winter months the grounds may be deemed to dangerous to train on. In these cases, please check our facebook page to see if training will be cancelled.
NEW MEMBERSHIPS: Our next membership day will be held at our Club Rooms on
SUNDAY 9th FEBRUARY 2025 at 11.30am.
On Membership day you do not bring your dog/s but you do need to bring the dog/s current vaccination certificate. Please Note if you do not bring your dogs current vaccination certificate with you we cannot process your membership. We will ask you come to another Membership time when you do have the vaccination certificate. You will also be required to pay Membership fees on the day.
Membership Fees can be found on the Membership Page. You can also download a membership form 2025 – JANUARY – FEBRUARY – MARCH that you can complete before you come on the day..
Please ensure you have the latest membership form, as above.